It’s important to set yourself apart from the competition when you’re or your PPC agency is designing your Google Ads. In our Houston market, there may be 10 other companies also advertising the same services as you, all fighting to gain the same new client that you are.

Use these tips to get larger conversation rates and increase the click-through rates of your next ad.

Use Extensions

Each ad contains the same amount of character space – a 25 character headline, 35 characters of text for the first line, second line, and the URL – unless you add on extensions.

Extensions improve visibility and click-thru rate for your ad – and they’re free! According to Google themselves, ads with extensions will more often appear above the search results versus in the sidebar than a comparable ad without extensions.

Shown here are two local CPA firms – one without extensions and one with the location and call extension added on. Which one are you more likely to click on, and which one takes up more space on the page?

Houston Accountant PPC Ads

Popular extensions are the call extension, location extension, and review extension. Review the extensions help page in AdWords for more ideas and options for your advertisement.

Look at the Competition

If you want your ad to stand out from your rival store across town, you need to know how they’re advertising their product or service. Do some searches in google for your keyword and city and see what other ads come up that are competing with you. If you find one similar to what you have drafted or that you really like the wording of, click on it, and see what page on their website it brings you. Then you can be sure the page you want to send users to provides similar content.

Once you’ve reviewed your rival’s ads, focus on what makes you unique when drafting your ad. If you were writing an ad for James Coney Island (aka JCI Grill) Hot Dogs, your unique point would be that you’re the original Houston hot dog place since 1923.

Use the Keyword Planner Tool

Google AdWords makes it easy for you to find out the number of people searching for your term and how much the cost per click will be with their Keyword Planner Tool. For the James Coney Island Hot Dogs example I used above, you would the Keyword Planner Tool and search for terms like “best hot dogs Houston” or “Houston hot dogs”. It allows you to narrow your search results by location, or to the whole state of Texas or all of the United States.

Google AdWords has even more helpful tips on their website as well as videos to walk you through how to set up great ads.

If you are looking for great AdWords Campaigns, please call us at 281-764-9070 or schedule a consultation with one of our PPC gurus.