Business blogs usually exist to increase traffic and engage visitors. If the engagement on your blog and your share of voice is not what you expect it to me you may be making some of these blogging mistakes listed below. What’s even worse is that you could be causing major SEO damage to your blog and your website!

The good news? Catch your mistakes early and your blog (and search engine ranking) still has a chance to turnaround.

10 Common Blog Mistakes:

  1. Blog posts without internal links. Link back to older posts to give past content new traffic. Embed links into keyword phrases—anchor text—to make it easier for search engine crawlers to index your site.
  2. Empty or non-relevant page titles. Take time to craft a page title that will tell visitors—and search engines—exactly what type of blog you’re publishing.
  3. Publishing Inconsistently. Not only will you not make in routine for visitors to come to your site for fresh content, Google will take it’s time to crawl your site.
  4. Failing to Differentiate Every business has something that sets them apart from their competition. Know what your advantage is and underscore it in your content so visitors learn right away what makes you different.
  5. No Way to Subscribe. Add a plug-in that will allow visitors to receive new posts by email or in their RSS feed reader.
  6. Not using Social media Use Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and your personal connections to spread the word about new blog posts.
  7. Giving Up to Soon Statistics show most blogs don’t make it to their one-year anniversary, which leaves stale content on the Internet for years to come that’s linked back to you—giving the impression you’re not relevant.
  8. Posts that are too short. Try to write a post that is about 600 words. One paragraph posts are not acceptable and are not worth reading.
  9. Plagiarizing. Not only is this illegal, but it won’t help your blog! Google recognizes duplicate content and can tell which one was first. Duplicate content will blacklist your site and ruin your rankings.
  10. Writing every post in one voice. Guest bloggers can offer extra exposure as they bring their audience to your site. You could also hire an SEO expert to craft effective blogs on your behalf.

Learn how your business can expand its reach online. Contact the internet marketing experts at Houston Web Design Agency in Houston, TX  281-764-9070 or schedule a consultation.