Duplicate content is bad for SEO. Search engines want to see original content from the original author and makes every effort to rank that page higher than any duplicates. However, the system is not perfect and sometimes copied work can find its way to the top of a search ranking above the original.

Copying content is never a good idea. It is especially bad when someone else steals your own hard work and publishes it as their own. Fortunately there are two things you can do to make sure Google recognizes you as the original author.

The DMCA is a US copyright law that helps protect digital authors. If you find that someone has wrongfully copied your content, you can ask Google to look into the issue by filing a request at: https://support.google.com/legal/answer/1120734

    • Spam Reports

If you find a website that has multiple copied articles and content, you can file a Spam Report through Google Webmaster Tools.

Our Web Design and SEO Agency has professional copywriters and internet marketing experts on staff to help you create original and compelling content. Call 281-764-9070 or schedule a free site review and consultation with one of our online marketing specialists.